Hey you – here you can find the readings I currently offer.
Let’s make some magic!
One-on-one readings with me currently come in the following flavors:
- Quick Draw Buck-AW! A laser-focused 20 minute session about your situation. Your choice: email or Zoom. $75
- Tarot and Tea by the Sea. 1 hour of slinging cards and getting INTO it. Complementary audio recording included. $185
- You’re the Rising Sun: The Year Ahead. A 2K+ word email reading that incorporates card reading and astrology. $145
- Over Your Shoulder: Communing with Those You’ve Lost. Spirit mediumship for people and pets. 30-45 minute Zoom; complementary audio recording included. $111.11
To book one of these sessions, read on! Let’s roll on deliciously like a slow river.
To book a reading, email me at paigezaferiou@gmail.com with the subject: “Book a reading” – easy peasy!
Let me know which session you are interested in:
- Quick Draw Buck-AW!
- Tarot and Tea by the Sea
- You’re the Rising Sun
- Over Your Shoulder
You may also include any context or background info you would care to share. I will be reaching out to you anyway to invite you to share your story and submit payment via PayPal.
Read more about each session below:
Quick Draw Buck-AW!
20 minute Zoom or email | $75
Sometimes you just need a quick read on a situation. This is for that time. Your choice: email or Zoom. No recording available, so bring something to take notes or use your own device to record.
Tarot and Tea by the Sea
1 hour Zoom: Complementary audio recording included | $185
This is for when you have a lot to talk about – or you just wanna pull the cosmic thread and see where it takes us. Pull up a chair and a cuppa tea! BYOT or your bev of choice and whatever it is you want to dive into. We’ll sling cards and bring clarity to the seas you’re swimming in.
You’re The Rising Sun: The Year Ahead
2k+ word written report | $145
Good for birthdays or any other time you want to plan for the year ahead. This is a lengthy, lovingly written report that incorporates card reading and, if you wish, astrology.
We’ll summarize the year past, look forward at the big picture of the year ahead and its lessons as well as various areas of your life. Typically takes two weeks to craft; I like to let these marinate and get as rich and juicy as possible.
Over Your Shoulder: Communing with Those You’ve Lost (People and Pets)
30-45 minute Zoom: Complementary audio recording included | $111.11
Spirit mediumship is a favorite specialty of mine. If you are interested in communing with a loved one who has passed, I am honored to offer these sessions for connecting with people and/or pets.
Human spirits will sometimes need to be resolved, or “moved on.”. Animal spirits almost never need to be moved on, but it can be profoundly comforting to gain closure with a nonhuman family member through one of these sessions.
To book a reading, email me at paigezaferiou@gmail.com with the subject: “Book a reading” – easy peasy!
See you there~

Here’s what people are saying about my readings:
“Tears were shed by your accuracy. You were very spot on with so much . Also I’ve totally felt fear and that fear stops me right in my tracks. In love and in a future career change. Change is fucking tough and sometimes I feel my mind goes into protective mode and will stop when things are getting weird. But I gotta say..
You have a way with words and cards Paige, and those words are what I needed.
A little break down of everything gave me a little push to just keep going even when I feel like nothing is happening.” — C.F.
“Paige Zaferiou’s energy is like a gust of wind you didn’t know you needed in your life.
She comes in fast and strong and leaves you with an electrical charge of YES! LOVE! LET’S ROCK THIS! But she’s also got soul, deep soul, with heightened psychic senses. A tarot reading with her is like stepping into the most colorful storybook of your life.
Be prepared to honor your shit as it is and as it wildly can be – with loads of the most glittery glitter on top. Paige Z. will inspire you to go big and trust in the powerful being that is your self.” — J.T.
“If you define “magic” as “a feeling of giddy, sexy, goofy, happy, joyful creativity, like ANYTHING is possible” …then Paige is pure magic. Grade-A. 100%.
I wish I could distill her into glittery powder + shake her all over my body. That sounded insanely creepy. But soon … you’ll understand.” — A.F.
“I just had THE BEST reading done with the beautiful and wonderful Paige. Guys, this lady knows her stuff. She’s funny and kooky and so amazingly good at reaching deep into her cards to give you the most insightful advice.” — J.A.
“I was sent to Paige by a whiff of intuition. I sought guidance on a very emotionally complex issue in my life to which she immediately stepped in, carefully unwrapping its layers to not only help me correct it, but to understand why it happened in the first place so I could grow, learn, and benefit. I resonated with her spirit and positive heart so much that I jumped at the chance to do a monthly Spiritual contract under her care.
I am not exaggerating when I say my life has been nothing short of transformed.
“Her gentle magic, matched with her friendship and sweet disposition, allowed me to strip away the yuck I’ve been hanging onto for years, either by my own doing or others, and step into the woman I was supposed to be, the woman I have been waiting to be all along. I have never been this confident, this happy, and so in line with my own spirit and purpose. Paige didn’t just open closed doors, she helped me uncover ones I had never even dreamed of being available to me.” — J.H.
Read more testimonials over on the Love Notes page <3
Image credits: Top photo by Lydia Hudgens