Practical Magic

Devoted to Sovereignty: Introducing Moon Lights


Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight…

The fattening face of the Moon rises later each day.

The February Full Moon in Virgo will soon be upon us.


Once again, we’re given the opportunity to celebrate, rededicate, and bless aspects of our lives. Suspended between Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon, we are invited to dance, dance, dance, and shake the very foundation of our world with the drumming of feet.

I want to try something.

My dear friend and co-conspirator, Amelia Quint (who happens to have Venus in Virgo), and I often talk about an etymology lesson we once received from our beloved teacher, Briana Saussy:

That the Virgo root word “virgin” truly means “sovereign” – as in, unmarried, unconquered, belonging solely to oneself.

I want to harness the power of this Virgo Moon for the good of the world — by devoting ourselves to our own sovereignty.

In a world that wants to take power from us – where corporations play on our anxieties to sell us stuff, politicians fear-monger to get elected, and law enforcement officers murder and terrorize people of color with impunity – being devoted to our sovereignty is a radical act.

Rise up, my kings and queens, as Sandy would say.

To devote ourselves to — i.e. to love and be loyal to — the goal of embodying our sovereignty is to change the world.

Won’t you join me, and an intimate coven of magical babes, in celebrating this Full Moon by crafting a spell? A spell to honor this devotion?

The orchestra swells!


All the angels and all the wizards, black and white

Are lighting candles in our hands

Can you feel them, yes, touching hands before our eyes?

— Tori Amos, “Sister Janet”


When we devote ourselves to our own sovereignty, we make the world a better place.

We’re raising our vibrations. We’re giving ourselves permission to be whole and holy, break free from fearful paralysis, and embody our best selves.

Simply devoting ourselves to sovereignty – that state of being wherein we feel in alignment with our purpose, personal power, and ability to grow, change, and co-create our lives – is a powerful ritual act.


SO OKAY: we want to nourish the world by nourishing our sovereignty. Ritual intention is go.

Next — the altar.

There is room on the altar for six participants (plus me makes lucky number seven). If you already know you’d like to be one of the six, scroll on down and click the big orange button.

Once you check out, I’ll email you to get your birth information and some background on your current situation. You’ll get a small homework assignment to ground the work in your own life. I’ll prepare your candle and petition paper with herbs, oils, and plenty of gold glitter, obviously, because this is Glitter Hobbit HQ we’re talking about here. Cards will be slung, omens observed, and carefully selected music will be played (and danced to, naturally snatchurally).

Oh…and did I mention David Bowie will be our ritual co-pilot?




No question that Bowie was a sovereign being devoted to embodying excellence.

So you, dear star baby, who want to change the world and embody excellence in your own sovereign life — I invite you to join us for these Virgo Moon Lights.


Moon Lights ($85)

Moon Lights costs $85 and there are six spots available.

  • Click the orange button below to reserve your spot now.
  • IMPORTANT: include your best email in the NOTE TO SELLER section so I can reach you ASAP.
  • I’ll email you over the weekend so we can chat about your birth date information, current situation, and any particular challenges you’re facing right now.
  • You’ll get a small homework assignment – something to anchor the ritual in your own life.
  • You’ll work on your homework and I’ll work on the candles this Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, February 21-23 — the three power nights of the Full Moon.
  • After the Moon has turned and the candles have all winked out, you’ll get a Ritual Report with all the tasty divinations, omens, and practical advice for next steps to take.
  • You’ll also receive, via snail mail, a charm made from the ritual remains (petition paper, leftover herbs and wax) for good luck.

Questions? Just email me!

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!


Thank you for joining me in this magical ritual experience.

The magic raised in a full moon group spell like this, when babes all over the world focus their energy on the same intention…it’s, ah, something else.

And with Bowie watching over us, it’s REALLY gonna be something special.

Come, dahling — let’s boogie.



Paige Zaferiou

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Kelly Campbell
    February 20, 2016 at 9:53 am

    I signed up for Moon Lights but forgot to give you my email in the Note to Seller section, whoops! Looking forward to working with you. :)

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